CLEAR is an advanced Ziemer procedure that redefines laser vision correction.
It’s a minimally invasive, flapless laser technique that can correct nearsightedness with or without astigmatism.
To find out who offers CLEAR in your area, get in touch with us.
Nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism, recognized as common refractive errors, affect many individuals. For a considerable number of people, the convenience of daily life and engagement in various activities is significantly heightened by opting for laser eye treatment, eliminating the need for glasses and contact lenses.
Laser vision correction not only addresses visual challenges but also marks a transformative shift towards a more liberated and convenient lifestyle.
The procedure is performed with a singular laser, the Ziemer Z8 Femtosecond laser.
A simple CLEAR explanation:
In the preliminary examination, a comprehensive initial evaluation of the patient's eyes is undertaken. Precise measurements are taken to construct a detailed map of the cornea with high precision. Through this detailed analysis, unique features and potential risks associated with the patient's eyes are identified, offering essential information before the surgery is undertaken.
The first follow-up examination is typically scheduled for the day after surgery. During the follow-up examination, the eye is thoroughly examined again to ensure that the treatment has brought the desired success. The utilization of a slit lamp enables a detailed examination of the eye, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of the treatment and contributing to the ongoing monitoring of the patient's postoperative recovery.
CLEAR is a minimally invasive and gentle procedure that uses low laser energy to correct vision. This allows potentially for more corneal stability after surgery.
Unlike other laser eye surgeries, CLEAR is a single laser procedure. It’s fast and provides more comfort and convenience to you during your surgery.
CLEAR is a flapless, gentle procedure. The upper layers of the cornea are minimally disturbed. Nerves are less affected, which can potentially reduce the incidence of dry eyes.
Corneal Lenticule extraction (CLEAR) is considered as the next generation of lenticule applications. The correction is done by a single laser: the Ziemer FEMTO Z8. Made in Switzerland.
CLEAR is designed to correct nearsightedness with or without astigmatism. Each person has a unique eye anatomy and only a careful evaluation by your eye care specialist can determine if you are a good candidate for CLEAR.
The procedure takes about 15 minutes, and the laser correction itself is only 35 to 40 seconds.
Every healing process is individual. In most cases, visual acuity is very good one or two days after the operation and stabilizes within one week. Normally, you will be able to drive, work and participate in sports within a few days.
CLEAR is attested by the EU declaration of conformity (CE mark) and therefore meets EU safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. CLEAR has the same low risks as other refractive surgeries. Your eye care specialist will discuss these with you.
Please contact your eye care specialist.
This website provides general information only and should not be regarded as medical advice or a replacement for consulting with a healthcare professional. It is crucial to seek personalized medical consultation to receive information on potential risks, side effects, and limitations associated with refractive and cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are universally approved or available in every country, and the approved labeling and instructions may differ between countries. Please contact Ziemer for details.