The ultimate FEMTO laser platform for the whole anterior segment.
The mobile FEMTO LDV Z6 is the ideal platform for refractive and therapeutic applications. It can perform smooth FEMTO-LASIK flaps thanks to the low-energy technology. Furthermore, it is suited for therapeutic procedures such as intracorneal Rings or Keratoplasties, where it creates precise pockets for corneal inlays.
Thanks to the Ziemer handpiece there is a very short working distance to the eye. Therefore, a high focusing power can be achieved and only very little energy per pulse is needed. This allows for small overlapping spots resulting in a smooth cut.
Dr. Pavel Stodulka
Dr. Rajesh Fogla
Dr. Scott Mac Rae
The FEMTO LDV Z6 is CE marked and FDA cleared. For some countries, availability may be restricted due to regulatory requirements. Please contact Ziemer for details.